
Zed build 6.4
Zed build 6.4

zed build 6.4
  1. #ZED BUILD 6.4 HOW TO#
  4. #ZED BUILD 6.4 FREE#

✦ For the next 3 seconds, Zed stores a percentage of all pre-mitigation physical damage and magic damage he and his shadows deal to the marked target, detonating at the end of the duration to deal physical damage. Death Mark can be recast after 0.5 seconds of his reappearance while the Death Mark Shadow is active. Zed also spawns a Death Mark Shadow at his casting position for 7.5 seconds which is able to mimic Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash while in range. ✦ ACTIVE: Zed becomes untargetable and, after 0.6 seconds, he dashes 125 units through the target enemy champion over 0.35 seconds, after which he marks them, gains ghosting for 3 seconds, and becomes targetable again. I hope you enjoy reading the guide as much as I enjoyed writing it!


My guide includes how to be proactive and fight without Death Mark! He doesn't have the best laning phase in this season which is why I explain many items and builds, which will help you snowball in the early game. He's one of the best at taking one champion out of the fight, but then loses a lot of his power once Death Mark is on cooldown. Zed is my favorite classic assassin champion in LoL. It isn't necessary at all, but thanks a lot if you consider donating, I appreciate it!!


I've asked many players multiple questions to cover everything lower-ranked players want to know! I have created a donation link down below if anyone is interested in donating so I can upgrade my setup/stream. I have created this guide and I have linked my twitch to this guide. 6 Scaling CDR Glyphs ( + 10.Hey, I'm Cash also known as 🍎! I have been playing Zed for a long time and have managed to reach Masters 200 lp with this champion in Season 11 and 12! I have achieved this rank in Mid and Jungle which allows me to play Zed in both roles.5 Armor penetration Marks (+ 6.4 Armor Pen).3 Scaling MR Glyphs (+9.0 MR at lvl 18).Taking bonus Damage per unique kill and increased ability damage. And so, i encourage you guys to try this build in customs and normals, and if you enjoy it and it fits your play style, hopefully it helps you carry games in ranked ! Keep in mind this build does require a fair/decent amount of experience with zed to pull off effectively. Just combining Boots of Swiftness, Sheen and Youmuu's, you become a force to be reckoned with. And don't worry about falling behind, I've tested that out by letting an Orianna get me 0/3 on me and continued the build normally. And every time its help increase and stabilize my power spike, keep me mobile and sticky and help me deal tons of burst damage without having to rely on my ult.

zed build 6.4

I have tested this out in dozens normals and even in ranked.

zed build 6.4

While finishing Triforce right away would be useful to maximize the Damage output from sheen, getting stinger is as useful as getting Duskblade, so if you happen to have enough gold for it at some point before your trinity force is finished, i recommend you get it first before you buying stinger to finish Triforce.Īnd that's pretty much it. Later getting phage increases Zed's chasing capabilities and lets him be extremely sticky while stick having a bit more health. And so, purchasing sheen after Youmuu's Ghostblade, give CDR and bonus basic attack damage making zed an extremely deadly duelist combines with his low E cooldown and thunderlord's. while the extra armor pen, CDR and health are great on him, the items gotten while building it don't do much to increase and or stabilize Zed's power spike. Through my experience I find that building Black Cleaver lowers Zed's power spike. The Core items of the Build (In the order you should get them) : So after playing around in customs, i found an idea for a zed build that combines the mobile and sticky aspect of Faker's build and the traditional burst zed has with thunderlords and reinforce it.

zed build 6.4

It was a good build but not very amateur friendly for people trying to get into zed, and even for experienced zed players i find that they would feel something missing as they play him with Faker's build. Faker's build earlier this year revolved around keeping zed a extremely DPS heavy mobile and sticky assassin at the the cost of thunderlord's. This season I've found that zed's play style has changed a lot due to the nerfs in his kit.


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Zed build 6.4